Panchakarma Therapies

Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Nirooha and Rakthamoksha

Research has shown that ersons suffering from skin ses experience higher levels of psychological and social distress, poor body image and lower self esteem as compared to the normal population. Studies regarding manifestation of psycho-cutaneous disorders have led to an increase in awareness of the psychological effects of skin disease

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Ayurveda believes that in pitta prakop (one of the basic body constituents), virechan helps in eliminating the cause of aggravation and in re-establishing a status of health. When pitta crosses its normal limits, it accumulates in the dhatu (body tissues) and in the strotasa (body channels). This accumulated pitta is liquefied, directed towards an outlet and then pushed out of the body by means of virechan. This Therapatic purgation is useful mainly in skin diseases like psoriasis, lichen planus, eczima, pimples, rash, alergy etc. & acidity, indigetion, excess vomiting, piles, fishers, fistula, diseases of reproductive system, burning sensation, pitta predominant diseases.
One of the main procedures of Panchakarma Chikitsa, Basti karma concentrates on the elimination of the loosened vata dosha out through the rectum. The treatment involves the introduction of medicinal substances, such as, herbal oils and decoctions in a liquid medium, into the rectum of the person. This is because vata is predominantly located in the colon and bones.
It is an ideal treatment for all arthritic conditions, nervous disorders, obstruction of urine, stools and flatus, amenorrhea and infertility. In this treatment decoctions of medicinal herbs are used for enema. Medicated enimas act miraculously on vataj disorders, different types of pain, menstrual problems, skin problems, diseases of reproductive tract. It is as half of the whole treatment in Ayurved.
One of the Panchakarmas mentioned in Ayurveda, Nasya therapy is a process wherein the drug (herbalized oils and liquid medicines) is administered through the nostrils. Since nose is the gateway of the head, the therapy is highly effective in curing a number of diseases pertaining to the head, if it is performed systematically. Helpful in diseases of Eyes, Nose, Mouth, Teeth, Headach, Shoulder Pain, Hairfall & graying of hair, Blur Speech & other cough predominent disease.
Raktamokshan therapy is one of the Panchakarmas of Ayurveda. Literally meaning Blood Letting, Raktamoksha is performed to eliminate the toxins from the bloodstream through the gastrointestinal tract. It is a safe, painless and highly effective form of Panchakarma. Raktamoksha entails the refinement of blood, hence administered to treat disorders pertaining to skin, such as urticaria, rash, eczema, acne, scabies, leucoderma, chronic itching and hives.
Abhyanga is a therapy which is helpful to maintain health of every indvisuals. The therapy involves liberally covering the client in oil and then using smooth, gentle movements to rub the oil deeply into the body. Ayurvedic practitioners recommend that people receive abhyanga massage every day to keep their bodies balanced, healthy, and focused. Routine practice of Abhyanga improves vision, sleep & skin tone.
Massage therapists use long, smooth strokes, kneading and other movements focused on superficial layers of muscle using massage oil or lotion. Massage therapy improves circulation by bringing oxygen and other nutrients to body tissues. It relieves muscle tension and pain, increases flexibility and mobility, and helps clear lactic acid and other waste, which reduces pain and stiffness in muscles and joints.
Ayurveda describes thousands of nadis (vibrational channels) throughout the body which connect different organs with each other. The nadis allow for a flow of prana (energy) from one part of the body to another. The marmas are like switching points where different nadis (channels) join. They are powerful points on the surface of the body (and throughout the body). The organ that each point controls is documented in the Ayurvedic literature .
Marma is one of the lesser known methods used in Ayurveda, Sushruta refers to it in some detail as well as other texts, but in truth it is a traditional knowledge that needs to be handed down from guru to disciple, from heart to heart. The basis is the use of various points on the body which are all interlinked like a complex circuitry and produce different results when pressed or massaged.
Shirodhara is an ancient Ayurvedic healing practice performed in India for over 5,000 years. The word shirodhara breaks down into two ideas: “shiro,” meaning head, and “dhara,” which means flow. Together they form a concept that aims to bring physical and emotional balance by rejuvenating the spirit and preserving health. This is achieved through a relaxing technique in which warmed oil is poured over a client’s forehead for an extended period of time.
Quick relief from pain, stiffness and inflammation in the lumbar region. Ideal for those suffering from back pain. A tank of black gram paste is applied over the spine in the shape of a ring in which lukewarm medicated oil is poured and maintained at the prescribed temperature.

Swedan means dry or wet fomentation or heat therapy. Different types of fomentations are possible. These include taking a sunbath, sitting or sleeping in a specially prepared wooden sweat box, pouring warm water or steam on the body, sitting in a bath tub or taking a steam bath. Variations like swedan for the whole body (below the neck), for the diseased part of the body (e.g. only extremities), sitz’s bath (for perineal region) can be used according to the need of the patient.

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Nadi swedanam is usually done for localized conditions like Osteoarthritis, sprain, or to relieve some localized pain as in Cervical spondylitis. Here fomentation is done with the vapors generated out of medicated decoction that is then applied to the affected area with the help of a rubber tube. Proper oleation of the affected part is done prior to Nadi Sweda.

Snehana, svedana, shodhana are the many modes of implementation of Bheshaja. Snehana has multi dimensional uses in treatment. It can be used internally and externally. Snehana can be used as poorvakarma of shodhana treatment. It has localised and systemic action. It is one of the main method for vatashamana.

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Panchakarma, the time-tested healing process of Ayurveda, relies predominantly on the uses of different types of therapeutic oils. The oils used for various panchakarma procedures like virechana, nasya, basti, and katibasti are to be chosen specifically. This article explains about the common clinical conditions and the precise oil to be used to treat patients seeking treatment in an Ayurvedic clinic.

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Maintenance of normal health in a healthy individual is one of the objectives of Ayurveda. A type of Panchakarma, Vamana if carried out in Vasanta ritu removes the increased doshas and helps to maintain good health. Such invaluable information present in the classics with regard to this concept has been deliberated in detail in this article.

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This remarkably comprehensive article on neurological disorders, has in-depth information on specific panchakarma procedures, most effective internal medicines used in managing traumatic and degenerative conditions like TIA, MND, MS, Radiculopathy, Parkinsonism, Alzheimer's, Autism etc.

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Hepatitis B is an infectious flammatory illness of the ver caused by the Hepatitis B virus (HBV) that affects hominoidea, including humans. Originally known as "serum hepatitis", the disease has caused epidemics in parts of Asia and Africa, including India.

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Amavata poses a challenge to the physician owing to its chronicity, incurability, complications and morbidity The disease has a high resemblance to rheumatoid arthritis. Despite the administration of best available modern drugs, the disease has a tendency to progress and cripples the patients.

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Research has shown that ersons suffering from skin ses experience higher levels of psychological and social distress, poor body image and lower self esteem as compared to the normal population. Studies regarding manifestation of psycho-cutaneous disorders have led to an increase in awareness of the psychological effects of skin disease

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Vata, pitta, and kapha—collectively known as the doshas—are one of the most foundational concepts in the tradition of Ayurveda. Vata, pitta, and kapha are each essential to our physiology in some way, so no one dosha is better than, or superior to, any other. Each of them has a very specific set of functional roles to play in the body.

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