Health Tips

Ayurveda Views on Healthy Life
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    Drink 1 or 2 glasses of water an early morning right after you wakeup from bed, this ayurvedic daily routine is useful in clearing toxins and making your skin glow naturally.

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    Make the habit of doing Sun Salutations ( Surya Namaskaras ) every morning, this simple routine is not only beneficial for your health, but also for your skin.

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    Ayurveda says Consuming fresh lemon juice before having meals or before going to bed for 30 to 45 days is the best home remedy in curing asthma.

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    Make the habit of drinking water in copper vessels or copper bottles, this ayurvedic daily routine is going to be beneficial for your liver, spleen and in fact complete body.

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    While going to bed, take one teaspoon of Triphala powder with lukewarm water, this ayurvedic herb helps in relieving constipation.

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    Drink approximately 750 ml of water in the early hours of the day to keep the three bio-energies i.e., Vata, Pitta and Kapha in track.

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    When we feel hunger and know that the previous meal has been properly digested only then is Agni ready to digest the next meal. Eating when there is no hunger will often lead to Kapha disorders.

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    Practicing meditation daily for 20 minutes will help one cope with all of life’s daily activities. Meditation has been proven to help with the resistance to stress and to provide better understanding in order to help make the complexities of life more simple.

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