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What is Vajeekaran
The medicines, techniques, diet und measures by which a person can attain complete sexual inter spirit and fult satisfaction, even in older age, are known as Vajeekar and therapy is known as Vajeckaran The term Vajcekaran has been taken from horse (baj). This therapy is also used for the treatment of sex related problems including reproduction of healthy progeny. Charak the famous physician described the Vajeekar as essential therapy for the persons who are indulge in libido for their health and vigour.

According to Indian philosophy, there are four chief achievement for a human beings as Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha which are only possible by perfect ideal health and health can be maintained only by Rasayana and Vajeek aran by avoiding psycho somatic injuries and by practising good habbits, by taking good diet by maintaining the homeo-stasis, between Doshas (neurohumess), Dhatu (body constituents), Agni (biological metabolites) and Malas the waste from body)
There are two type of urges, suppressive and dischargeble both on psycho and somatic level

1. Hunger
2. Thirst
3. Breath
4. Urination
5. Defaection
6. Semendischarging
7. Sleep
8. Lacrimation 9. Sneezing
10. Vomiting
11. Gas discharging
12. Cough
13. Yawing

These physiological urges should not suppressed, because their supprerion may cause serious hazards, out of these sexual intercourse is also a physiological urge.
The psycological urges like kama, Krodha, Lobha Moha etc. are known as suppressible because without suppression they always cross the limit and can cause serious personal and social problem.
According to the Kamshastra there are eight practices which may produce the sexual feeling in body, these are a followings :
1. To memorise the beloved
2. To described about the beloved
3. To play with the beloved
4. To watch the sex act
5. To talk in lonely atomosphere
6. To think about sex
7. To try for sex act
8. To perform sex
Sexual intercourse is believed the key of creation, in Indian philosophy. The union of Purush and Prakriti occu pies the most central place in mythology, culture and intantra, the sex-symbols are established most secret worship places, in some of the Sidha Peeth in India like Kamakhya temple of Assam. Prakriti (female) Purush (male) sex union sex play and position displayed in various temples in Khajuraho (M.P.), Konark (Orrissa), Madankamdeo (Assarm) and various other temples of South India, Kama has been a secret place in Tantra Sadhans also. In Hindu classics the Kam and Rati both has been deseribed as sym bolic-Devata for the sex. And no other culture of the world Developed this concept so deeply for the step towards the super achievement of the mankind through Kama. Aims and Objects of Vajeekaran Therapy The main object of this therapy is to treat the abnormalities of libido and reproduction. The other aims are to Potentiate sexual urge both in male and female. The objectives of the therapy can be classified as follows:
1. To Increase the Sex - Urge (Libido Power)
The reduction of sexual - urge, these days are due to so Many region social, personal, hormonal. Presently lifestyle, mal-nutrition, stress-fall environment, aging process diseased state and abnormal coitus. The use of Vajeekaran help in Various ways to minimise the factors responsible for the poor-libido.

2. To Increase the Speram Quality and Quantity
The root of sex- urge are the healthy mind and body based on proper secretion and timings of mature sperm and ovum. Untimely discharge. poor secretion, reduces the normal urge.
Ahara (die). Nidra (sound sleep) and Brahmachyarya (Following roles regulation for positive health) are the basic- aspects for healthy body. Ahara (diet) is very important factor for maintaing the health, the milk, the jagery, the egg, regular & timely diet, Easily converts rasdhatu into shukra dhatu, Sukra helps to Increase sexual urge. Charak described the loss of sukra that is Pratiloma or Anuloma, if excess may lead to Shosha or Rajayakshma due to loss of immunity

3.To Help in Reproduction
Bith of healthy progeny is very important factor for healhy society, Vajeekaran helps in the treatment of infertility, sterlity, health of mother and foetus.

4. Te Treat the Sex Pathology
Vajeckaren therapy is also essential for thc treatment of certain disoders like spern count, early ejaculation, size of organ, shape of body both in male and female.

5. To Pertorsing Rituals
it is well kaows that all paysho and somatic rituals including Japa, Tapa , Kama, Dharma etc. Can be performed only through good health. Vahee karan helps to improve health and vigour. Thus helps in performing the rituals.

6. To Help in Menaging the Society
Proper satisfaction and emotional balance between male and female controles the prodaction of illegal sex-crimes. Tendency to avoid the traditional rules, regulation under the banner of old, out-dated etc, and acceping the modern least tested life style are the new Factors of sexual crime. Homosexuality, Hetrosexuality etc. are the example which are producing sexual perversion. Vajeekaran rules creates cool, calm and healthy society.

7. Population Controls
Pollution and population both are the major problem ndia, due to illetracy, improper reproduction and exces ve child production, Vajeekaran advocates heald ncy in a manner which shoots to self to society and progency country and advised contraception through various Asaas and medicines. Prakriti (female) and Purush opposite nature, the purush is conscious and inactive where Prakriti is unconscious and active their union results evolu tion. The male female union is not essential only for the reproduction but it gives pleasure, satisfaction and help to perform the duties of mankind when it is followed in night way. These all aspects are described under the Vajeekaran.

Anatomy & Physiology of Genital System The genital urinary organs are very much related t cach other in both male and female. Known as genito-uni nary system, which consist of those organs that have in portant roles in reproduction and maturation. Reproduction means the creation and development of new members the same species and micturation refers to the elimination ol liguid wastes.
Reproduction consists the structures as sex glands estes in male ovaries in female, sex organs including ac cessory structures, with little difference in both the sexes and developed according to a definite age which is known as puberty.
The onset of reproduction life is called Puberty, it is the time when sex gland is developed with its function Puberty occurs 2 to 5 years earlier in female than male and Average usual age lies between 12 to 16 years in female and the process ceases with average commonly between 45 to 55th years. This bridge between childhood and adulthood which is the period of growth and maturity is very much delicate, and the media and uro-style has created disbalence in this period, that is why the psychosoman changes are having no definite pattern these days, regard ing menstrual cycle, length, beard hard voice ete. Known secondary sexual character which produces a physiolog cal sex urge naturally to contact with opposite sex.

Puberty Changes in Girls
In female the changes are more and rapid than boys the first and definite milestone is her first menstruation th first sign of puberty known as menarche. If a girl has not reached the menarche by the age of 16, there may be some abnormalty and when menarche occurs on early childhood then it is known as precocious Puberty Parents should aler for these change stress disorders, climate, atmospheric con dition alters the period of puberty. The pituitary. thyroid adrenals plays major role in hormonic pubic hairs depend upon musculature and diet of girl.

Puberty Changes in Boys
The developments of secondary sexual characters in boys is also influenced by hormone, pituirary secretes Gonadotrophic hormone to stimulate testis, which starts it's function of spermatogenesis. The growth of beard, pubic hair, Bones muscle growth increases in size of penis increase the size of chest, growth of facial hair, armpit hair and changes of voice, with peculiar male pattern.
These days the psychological changes are very indica Night emission, or wet dreams or automatic discharge of semen is quite common complaint these days, it causes Depressive attitude inow boys. Pimples, acne, excessive Hairs are also disturb the boys and girls these days. These are due to hormonal disbalance and should with diet and drugs to avold stress in tleen aged.

Male Genital Structure
The male reproductive structures consists of testis which Produces sperms, the necessary sexual apparatus as the Epididymes prostate and the testis is a mass of convoluted Tubules the seminiferous tubules where the germinal cells are manufactured lead to epididymus then to vast dife ence, which linked with seminal vesicles. The ejaculatory ducts are the short tubes. One in each side formed by the union of the seminal vesicle with vast difference they open nto urethro. The penis contains erectile tissues with many vascular spaces that enable the organ to become turgid when ngorged with blood. The erectile tissues are spong like and rection is accomplished by the filling of its spaces with blood which changes the shape and size of the penis into large warmer and rigid. The erection and ejaculation are controlled by center in the spinal cord, brain and in certain roceptors which after proper functional way reflecting to Coitus.

Female Genital Structures
The external parts of the female genitals are collectively called Valva. The most apparent part, which is fatty Pad tissue, covered with public hair kown as mound of Venus.
The two lips major and minor known as Labia major And minor, major have a large number of sensorye nerve endings that respons to touch and pressure minor are continued along with the edge. Contain exclusive number of blood vessels and nerve endings other structure Bertholin gland. lying within the Labia minor seerets some lubricants, clitoris which is surrounded by monora situated above the urethral opening and its function are sensual excitement. Below the clitoris there is urethral opening which is for the urination. The membrane situated over the vaginal opening of most young girls which is broken during first inter course or during vigorous exercise. Next structure is the opening of vagina which is 3 to 3%, inches long tube. connected with cervix of the uterus. The vagina is extremely flexible. The walls of vagina are lined with a Mucous membrane that keeps structure moist and warm, during sexual arousal the walls secretes a substance that functions as a lubricant stimulant.
The uterus shaped like a peos its small end down. The small end called cervix, which extent to into vagina. Uterus provides nourishment for a developing fetus. There are th layer in the uterus, the endomatrium, myo-matrium. The ner layer which is known as endomertrum has a rich blood supply of blood vessels and gland. This layer is sloughed off during menstruation the middle layer is muscular and highly clastic, to accommodate a growing fetus and during labour, contract to deliver the child, the outer layer is protective and elastic.
The paired ovaries are each about the size and shape of an almond. They are located to the left and right of the uterus. At birth the ovaries contain approximately four hundred thousand eggs, more then 40% of which fail to survive. At puberty, some of the eggs start to mature within a capsule known as a follicle. Each month some of the follicles containing maturing eggs increase in size moving towards the surface of the ovary. Every four weeks (Plus or minus a few days) one of the follicles at the surface of the ovary bursts and releases its eggs a process known as ovulation an important function of the ovaries in adding to the production by ovarian tissue and progesterone by the follicles after they have shed their eggs. When a mature egg leaves the ovary, it enters in the fallopian tubes or oviducts. However, these structures are not directly attached to the ovaries. They extend from the sides of the upper uterus and form a sort of semicircle around the ovaries. The part of the the nearest the ovary is called the infundibulum. At its open end are Several fingerlike projections known as fimbriace. Following ovulation, the eggs enter the body cavity and is apparently attracted to the infundibulum by the movements of the Fimbriae. Fertilization of the egg by the sperin when it Occurs usually takes place in the infundibulum.

The Female Breasts
The breasts are strictly speaking secondary sex characteristics. However, because of their strong sexual significance and role in reproduction. The breasts consist of 15 to 20 clusters of mammary glands surrounded by fatty and Fibrous tissue. These tissues give the breasts their soft consistency. Each of the clusters of gland has separate duct that opens to the nipple. The nipple consists of smooth muscle fibers. When these muscles contract they cause an erection of the nipple. The dark area surrounding the nipple is called areola. It generally becomes darker during pregnancy and remains darkened thereafter.
In many cultures breast size and shape are associated with attractiveness. However, there are considerable variations in the standards of beauty. In some societies small, upright breasts are envied, in others, long and pendulous ones are in vogue in still others breasts are considered most desirable. Despite the emphasis on female breasts in our culture and several others, there are no differences in fune tion associated with shape or size, small breasts producea much milk as large ones when infants are breast-fed. Simi larly, small breasts and large breasts do not seem to differ in their responses to sexual stimulation.
Hormones, nervous system including brain and spi nal-cord took very active part in sex act and other emotional acts. Erection and ejaculation of the organ is controlled by both the brain and spinal-cord. The role of the brain in sexuality is more complex, the hypothalamus, and anterior pituitary for stimulant action while amygdala of the limbic system plays an inhibitory role. Apparently in normal individuals there is some kind of balance between the sexual motivation provided by the hypo thalamus and the inhibition associated with amygadata etc. the cerebral cortex of the brain is also involved in sexuality, many hormones took active part during growth, puberty, menstruation delivery, sex-urge and inter course, As anterior pituitary secrete two hormones, Luteinzing Hormone (LH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) which known as gonadotrophins, the pineal gland, also lies in brain regulates the timing of sexual maturity and sexual emotions, these Hormones also infleenced the thought responses through cerebral cortex.

Menstrual Cyele
In men the hormonal balance relatively stable than Women have menstrual cycle of 28 days based on hormones, divides in four phases as follicolar phase, ovulation, mutual, and menstruation phase.
The first phase, which is known as follicular phase, is characterized by relatively high concentration of the gonadotrophic hormones FSH (follicle stimulating hormone The second phase is due to release of egg from ovary and ble for this, which increase the estrogen level. The third phase is dominated by progesteron which is secreted by follicle after ovulation, and if the woman is not pregnant the fourth phase starts that is known as menstruation due to the thick wall of endometrium starts flowing with blood due to the progesterone and estrogen level low. In most of the societies and races, intercourse and housework during the menstruation is prohibited.

Sex and Orgasm The development of sex urge and its emotion is long before the maturity, society and surroundings begins the discrimination between male and female sex immediately afterr the birth of a child, they celebrate with different attitude towards male and female sex specially in lndia. They also discriminate in naming the child, in the selection of cloths, colours toys, wears and they are also forced to shape the personality in to male and female through social pressure along with biological and hormonal reactions.
Emotions are produced and suppressed according female ses having child bearing responsibility make her more depesdent, even to-day, though there has been little change due to awareness towards education in female sex, But still they ae sopposed to have moods, nay false which men should tolerate, even in menstrual days, as in Indian Society mentrual days are said as impure days and the female should not perform any responsibility of worshipping etc. In Assamese society they celebrate the first menstrual days as festival. The girl child is properly dressed and worships the Banana tree, and the function is popularly known as first marriage (Tulani Vivah) and celebrates accordingly.
In India socicty men have more ego and said to have more ambitions where women have vanity, man may glory in what he does while women glories in what she is, these differences always produces negative emotions and frus trations which the female sex leads to psychotic problems n sexual behavior. It is also observed that a man is often attracted to a women physically just to discharge the while a woman is rarely attracted to a man physically unless she is already in love with him or his personality by hearing his qualities, or by seeing him as a ideal one things accordingly. Thus the man is more sensitive to sight and colour, while woman is to hear, as Lord Krishna when tuned the flute, the Radha recognized him even in older ages. These sex humers responsible for emotional changes lifferent in the different sex. I have also observed during my study that these attitudes are always alter with the in social responsibilities, with profession, with status, wit grade, with material wealth, even after menopause and during pregnancy period.
Recently, the love and affection has been observed a little difference, based on changing the life style worldwide, the relations between two different sexes are now depend upon the roles and grades, both are more competitiv endant with less coexistence, with more jealous over colour of skin, or jealous to her extra curricular activities These are indirectly destroying the natural sexual enjoyment and satisfaction in present socitety.
To work as equal partner, rather to expect dominance and submission will be more satisfactory and entertaining because thee love requires dedication, sharing, helpfulness r than a constant trying to damage and outshine each Other. Blue films, cinema, drugs have done a lot of damage to the teen-society; it has forced to maturity,rape, illegal abortion, murder and homosexuality. Masturbation, sexual behavior etc. have changed the entire philosophy and psychology of sex. Now a days the sex is limited only up to ejaculations, with different partners in dilferent ways producing ill effects both in body and mind, nodoubt it is a factor for spreading the diseases AIDS. Reproduction is no doubt a biological roquirement and is important for the propagation of species and pleasure emotion associated with sex-stimulus, it also give maximum happiness strength, stability, luster and satisfaction if performed in a way as advised in classics, we should follow the rules, regulation advises about perfect age, match posture, time, indication contra-indication, place, smell, dress, type, medication for total enjoyment in positive way.
Orgasm consists of specific sensation of contraction and excitement in both male and female, uterus contracts heart rate, BP, respiration rate is increased, vagina stimulated along with clitoris, labia and other muscles, along with hormonal action, in male penis is erected due to excitements and after contraction, relaxation and ejaculation. There are so many physiological changes in body and mind both.

1. Personality:
Body structures of fomale has b in four in number as example Hastin Chi Sankhini and Padmini according to the ancient sex lite tures as Kamsutra, (Vatsayan) Rati Rahashya (Koka's) Ratna Manjari (Kamdev) Ananga. Psychosomatic constitution and emotions same as the male has been classified four categories viz. Aswa, Vrisha, Mriga and the Sasak both male and female attract according to their perceptions.

2. Vision:
Beauty is the irradiation of sex and youthfulness. Beauty makes sexual appeals, though the ideals of racial beauty might differ a little, yet the fundamental sexual exuberance remain the same. Beauty is a jealous godder who exacts constant care and solicitous attention from her votary bestow on nature's fortunate favorite her divine intoxicating grace. But beauty is a complex , composition, based on stainless heredity nutrition regular exercise scrupulous hygiene congenial surrounding mental ease and some intellectual pursuits. Not only these she must have a regular set of pearly white teeth and a sweet smile.
Not only women's beauty which is so tempting even man's beauty has attractions, which not only draw women but entire society, it has been observed these days that woman selects her mate for his position, wealth and intelli gence while man selects her beauty. As beauty serve to a tract the opposite sex to sexual copulation. This factor has Been developed too much and now beauty competition have been started world wide to attract more and more sensual reception. Buttocks breasts are great symbols of feminine charms and beauty and there exposure through new gar been developed too much and now beauty competitions ha ments are always exciting vision.
Face is the first impression and essence of beauty and yes are the messengers of mind. These two also represent sound health both psycho and somatic. Regarding hairs the ashion is changing day today. Though luxuriant lustors growth of hair on the head has been regarded in most of the literatures and a feminine beauty.

3. Smell :
Every race has its own peculiar odour the Europeans have a strong pungent sweat smell, American have rancid type, and the Indian have the peculiar acidio smell, which is now a days not so prevalent due to active hygienic performances. The odour comes from (a) Armpit b) Skin (c) Hair and sealp (d) form the breasts (e) Peri neum (1) Spegma (g) Veginal discharge and (h) from the menstrual blood.
There is very intimate relation between the nose and the sex. During the puberty the septum of the nose is greatly increased. Wearing nasal ring is a unique fashion among Asian. Odour is a muscular stimulant and for the reason many people use AMBER as aphrodisiac, flower, perfumes and Iove are closely related. Flower is the sexual organ of the plant and perfume is the volatile fragrance. Musk is also Used as sexual stimulant, These days so many synthetic perfume are used as aphrodisiac. Musk (Kasturi) has been described in Ayurveda as stimulant, and in the ancient time the role of flower and smell has been described for the precoitus excitement.

4. Voice :
During the puberty vocal cards undergo laege development, the voice becomes deeper and hard whi citement becomes medulated due o Every livings specially birds calls for love, deep voice i orm re the feature of sexual vitality Thus music has a impressive role on behaviour and musicians are alsoys sual, including dancers.

5. Touch:
Touch is the most primary sense The minals of which closely resemble in structure in male an female both. The skin is a marvelous fabric it is prettic than velvet softer than silk more elastic than rubber, mon durable than steel, more sensitive than glass, more impu ive than anything. It is very sensible and pleasurable tha is why massage gives a lot of relieve from pain, the scienc i marmas are great importance in Ayurvedic medicine. Th intensity of sensual pleasure will be proportional with th area of contact and the sensitivities of the organs contracted Kiss creates peace and love both.
Ticklishness is a specific sense of touch a kind of ski lodestly, it has relation with sexist nerve channels and ih rogenous zones. The breast nape of neck, lips, armpits cheeks, up to genitals, soft and gentle, touch gives peace pleasure confidence and courage.

6. Modesty:
Modesty is almost a feminine character is related with fear complex, which is decreasing these days due to changing lifestyle and social scenario. It is conventional and repression psychosis. One only feels it when he thinks thai his or her action is not in conformity with the social behavior thereby it might humiliate him or her in social, newly married wile feels modesty with her husbands eing afraid that any of her action exposure might rob her husbands esteem, appreciation, admiration and love for her.

7. Virginity:
Virginity is very important aspectss still in sociery for love and sex both, it is both physical and psychological, physical virginity may be disproved by sensual thoughts. Practice of mastabation or ruptured hymen is thus not a confirm test of virginity and one should not think during the coitus. During the copulation process man's penis becomes swollen hard and bending towards in the direction of vegina where the woman's vagina is distended hot moist and pulsating for the union.

8. Postures :
The most common and most dependable with less muscular exertion posture for the coitus is the horizontal front supine position during coitus in which the woman is on her back with her legs widely separated and the knees and hip joints semi flexed.

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